
  • 5-6 large potatoes, thinly sliced ​​
  • 6 bacon, cooked
  • 1 tablespoon cooking oil
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 stalk of celery, thinly sliced
  • ​​1 pound lean ground beef
  • 1 15 canned ounce diced roasted tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons chili powder
  • 2 tablespoons salt
  • 1/2 cup raisins… (yes, I said raisins…)
  • 1/2 jar Hatch Verde Tortilla Salsa or Tomatilla 1 /2 cup – Salsa
  • Grated Cheese Mexican Blend 1 cup



1. Boil the potatoes in a pot of water until just tender. Drain water and puree.
2. Preheat oven to 375°.
3. Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium heat and add the onions. Sauté the onions for 2 to 3 minutes until translucent. Add the garlic and celery and sauté for another 2-4 minutes, until fragrant and the vegetables are tender. Add the beef to the pot and stir-fry until browned. Excretes fat.
4. Add tomatoes, chili powder, salt, and raisins. Mix well.
5. Place beef mixture in baking dish. Pour over Hatch Verde tortillas or salsa.
6. Spoon or pipe the potatoes on top and place the bacon strips on top.
7. Sprinkle with cheese and bake for 45 minutes or until bubbly.
8. Serve warm.

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